VR Simulators

Professional simulator trainings on the Desktop, VR and Full Mission versions. We’re introducing VR based trainings by developing our own environmental math model, which allows to simulate familiarization and accident learn cases
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Why train with VR Simulators?

Virtual Reality

These kind of training involves students to accident environments with all the adrenaline shocking, visual, sound, vibra and gravity feeling

Multi person training

Multi person training module. Using VR mariners from different places can explore the ship & their duties together before they get on board

Study & Exams

Exam circumstances can be changed dynamically. Cloud global stat module saving persistent history of training and exam results for each student

Mobility & Integration

This solution is notable for its mobility, because it consists of a VR system and the possibility of integrating of psychophysiological equipment

Cost Reduction

In most cases, AR/VR training simulators help organizations save time and money by routine operations automation, elimination or reduction. They also boost the ramp-up period for newcomers.

Risk Mitigation

VR training simulators allow training people in a “safe” environment. For maritime industry training simulators help to train seafarers and cadets without risking lives.

Budget Friendly Solutions

Our business simulations provide risk reduction, by giving the learners a platform to learn and practice new skills – bringing in budget and time utilization.

Multiplatform Development

Smartphone and Tablets are the most massive platform. Through the smartphone screen, the user looks on the world, which is complemented by virtual objects. At the same time, the phone position in space is tracked.

Affordable tools for operator skill development

VR Simulators are entry-level solutions that make it simple and affordable for organizations to leverage the latest in innovative technology for operator skills development. Easy to transport and set up, they are ideal for organizations looking to explore simulator training.
Desktop simulator - LearnMarine

Desktop simulator

Entry-level motion simulator - LearnMarine

Entry-level motion simulator

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